All of these are 1:1. They are not exactly readings but more facilitations where clients are taught about a modality and encouraged to go in the records on their own.  It is best if the client has had some kind of exposure to the Akashic Records and has had experience opening them.  So, the prerequisite for the three experiences is to have had at least one lesson in opening their records, followed by some dedicated practice.  Below is a description of 1:1 introduction to opening the Akashic Records as well as three different practices that are guided and facilitated entries into the client’s own records.  If you have any interest in learning any of the following three journeys into the records, an established, dedicated practice is strongly recommended.

Prerequisite for any of the three practices is:  Level One Session One of the How to Read the Akashic Records class-  private session with Susan.  Once that is complete, you will then do 2-4 weeks of consistent practice   (not necessarily sequential).  This is to make sure that you have the trust and comfort issues down, and are clear about your connection. The cost for each session is $80.00-100.00 per session based upon how long the sessions take.




Before participating in any of the practices we will have a 1:1 conversation.  This 30-minute free consultation will clarify what we are going to do together, as well as determine if this is for you.  Once you have decided, we can work together on any of the following:



A past-life meditation and clearing of persistent patterns in your life or integration of past-life mastery. 

In this practice you will be guided into a very relaxed state through a specific past life meditation. There you will meet a past-life that you have lived before.  You will be introduced and given cues to determine the time period, the gender, what skills they had.  In some cases, they can assist you with current life issues and even work on some vows or patterns that you had then. This is a process that you actively participate in.  A belief in reincarnation is important for you to trust in the process and allow yourself to lean in and learn from what happens in the process.

This is a bit different from a past-life regression in that you are on a journey assisted by the masters, teachers, and loved ones who essentially are the guardians of your records.  Where you go with this is up to you. This cost is $125.00-150.00 for that session and includes a recording, and next steps.


Communicate with your loved ones across the veil

(on the other side)

Normally , you need permission to open the records of “other”, but if the one you wish to communicate with is on the other side, and a blood relative- you have permission to open their records.  There is an entire other dimension on the other side,  and it is possible that they are busy, OR unable to connect with you at this time.  However, in most cases, there is excitement and willingness on their part to connect.  I cannot guarantee that the ones that you wish to speak with are willing to come forward, and if they do not, we shall work it out and try another time.  Sometimes, you might even set up a continuous connection with your loved one and have regular communications.  Other times, a one time meaning may be profound and life changing.

  Be open to what is and what is possible.  Where you go with this is up to you.


Access and Understanding of your birth plan

Since the birth plan is not set in stone due to your free will, it is vast and not always clear and in place.  You have free will and that is part of the human condition.  However, sometimes we want to deeply understand the why of what has happened in our lives, the challenges, the relationships, the work situations, what we may call traumas.  You will be introduced to your Council of Elders, by job if not by name.  I will work 1:1 with you in your Akashic Records to get a preliminary introduction to your Birth Plan.  This introduction might be enough for you to solve some of the mysteries of your life and learn some of the life lessons you wanted to learn and master.  It can also be a jumping-off point to going into your records for more consistent answers to the questions that you might have had about the WHY questions of your life.  Where you go with this is up to you. The cost is $150.00 and includes a conversation afterwards about next steps.



1:1 introduction to the spiritual path

Guidance for those who are new to the spiritual path, helping them navigate their way through all that is out there. We’ll work together to create a bibliography of resources and to see what you are called to explore more deeply on your own. There are so many ways to start with this- One can receive an introduction to what the path is, plus various ways of knowing such as a. basic astrology b. basic numerology c. The Myers Briggs personality indicator giving you an introduction to what makes you tick. d. an extensive bibliography of books on various subjects. You will have lots of opportunities for questions and clarity about where you are and where you want to go. This is for the serious seeker. The cost depends on what you do and the kind of connection you want to create for your unfolding path.